Buy your personalised cards or 3D ecards for any occasion using Making A Difference Cards and help support Pernicious Anaemia Society all year round, Making A Difference take no commission or charge any fees – so up to 100% of your donation reaches us or 125% if you Gift Aid it!
If you are a member of PAS you can get 10% off tests from BlueHorizon using our special member code. To use our discount code, you will need to join as a member or log in using your existing membership details and the code is on your membership account page.
If you are a member of PAS you can get 10% off tests from NeoVos using our special member code. To use our discount code, you will need to join as a member or log in using your existing membership details and the code is on your membership account page.
Cards that give
Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Pernicious Anaemia Society.